Author: Pharm Joseph

Technique – Handwashing Wash your hands before and after providing first aid (after removing disposable gloves, if applicable). Washing your hands should take between 40 and 60 seconds. Are you wearing long-sleeved clothes? Then roll up your sleeves so that your forearms are free. Take off any jewelry (bracelet, watch, rings, etc.). When clean running water is available: 1. Wet your hands under clean running water. 2. Use soap. If soap is unavailable, use ash from a clean wood fire that is no longer hot. 3. Rub your hands firmly together and wash thoroughly. Make sure the soap (or…

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The NGO Medecins Sans frontieres has called on the Nigerian Government to act urgently to curb the further spread of Diphtheria across the country. ABUJA – A serious diphtheria outbreak is tearing through Nigeria, where thousands of people have been infected and hundreds more have died. With low national vaccination coverage and a worldwide shortage of lifesaving antitoxin threatening to worsen the outbreak, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urges the international community to immediately scale up support to improve treatment, preventive measures and contact tracing to control the outbreak’s spread. In Kano state’s two diphtheria treatment facilities, “we’re currently seeing more than 700…

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Unmasking Diphtheria: A Closer Look at Causes, Incubation Period, Types, and Where it Lurks What is Diphtheria? Diphtheria is a rare but potentially life-threatening bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. It primarily affects the respiratory system and can lead to severe complications if left untreated. Diphtheria is characterized by the formation of a thick, grayish membrane in the throat, which can obstruct breathing and swallowing, so it is also important to know what causes diphtheria in the following lines. Causes of Diphtheria Diphtheria is caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. It spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets when…

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Techniques – Calming down in a first aid situation Calming Down Techniques and knowing them are vital, because they play a huge role in helping those who might be in need of first aid. Use the following Techniques to calm down in first aid situations: Take a couple of deep breaths. Stop negative thoughts, encourage yourself. Talk to the ill or injured person. This will give you a chance to control your own emotions. Stick to the techniques and first aid actions you know. If you do not know what to do, call for help.…

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Quality First Aid Equipment’s and Devices can be gotten from various companies all across Nigeria. This can be done either by visiting such companies physically or by placing your others online. Our store remains the number one when it comes to supplies of First Aid Boxes, devices and Equipment. We carry a large Safety product range, that you can rely on when you need it. our office:- R and J Medical Equipment Supplies. 15b Diamond Drive, Golden Heritage Housing Estate. Mowe, Ogun State. 07039138772 R and J Medical Equipment Supplies 2, Onilegbale Street, Isale Eko, Idumota, Lagos. 080239138772 Additionally, other…

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Navigating the Intersection: Road Safety Tips for Road Users Intersections, those junctures where roads cross paths, these are places we Popularly call (Roundabout) are critical points on our journeys. They can be places of convenience or chaos, depending on how road users approach them. Road safety is a shared responsibility, and at intersections, it becomes especially crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore road safety tips for road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, to ensure smooth and secure passage at intersections. Let’s embark on this journey toward safer roads. Section 1: The Intersection Challenge 1.1 Understanding Intersection Types…

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Fire Emergencies are something that should be handled as a matter of urgency, fire when properly handled when it breaks can go a long way in reducing the impact on us, people around us or even property and the environment at large. Uncontrolled fire is a potent and destructive energy that can have disastrous effects. Knowledge of fire, its different kinds, emergency response procedures, and fire prevention strategies is essential for individuals and communities. The universe of fire, different forms of fires, fire emergencies, emergency fire phone numbers, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire in structures, and crucial fire safety procedures…

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Rather than install a fire extinguisher, or put on some other safety measures, most would say God forbid. Is it wise to wish it away or rather be More Prepared, whenever such incident happens? Do you have a fire extinguisher in your house, office or car? If you have one, did you get the right one and how familiar are you with it? Classification of Fire Extinguishers And The Different Types of Fire They Handle. Classes of fire Extinguisher, different classifications exist, according to the type of fire at hand. They include the following. Water Foam Wet Chemical Carbon…

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In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 49 essential first aid materials and their practical uses, equipping you with the knowledge to respond effectively to a wide range of emergencies. Adhesive Bandages: Cover and protect small cuts and scrapes. Promote healing and reduce friction. Sterile Gauze Pads: Control bleeding and promote clotting. Clean wounds and serve as sterile dressings. Adhesive Tape: Secure bandages and dressings in place. Antiseptic Wipes: Clean wounds and prevent infections. Antibacterial Ointment: Aid wound healing and prevent infections. Elastic Bandage: Provide support for sprains and strains. Triangle Bandage: Create slings for arm injuries or immobilize limbs. Splint:…

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The Lifeline You Can’t Afford to Ignore: The Importance of Emergency Numbers in Nigeria Introduction Emergencies can happen anywhere in the world, including Nigeria, and can happen at any time. Being ready for emergencies is crucial, whether it be for car accidents, abrupt health crises, natural disasters, or criminal occurrences. Knowing and using emergency numbers is a crucial part of being prepared. These numbers act as a lifeline that connects you to the assistance you require when you need it most. We shall discuss the significance of emergency numbers in Nigeria and why every citizen has to be aware of…

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